Coding Checks
ArrayTrailingComma | Checks that array initialization contains a trailing comma. |
AvoidDoubleBraceInitialization | Detects double brace initialization. |
AvoidInlineConditionals | Detects inline conditionals. |
AvoidNoArgumentSuperConstructorCall | Checks if call to superclass constructor without arguments is present. |
ConstructorsDeclarationGrouping | Checks that all constructors are grouped together. |
CovariantEquals |
Checks that classes and records which define a covariant equals()
method also override method equals(Object) .
DeclarationOrder | Checks that the parts of a class, record, or interface declaration appear in the order suggested by the Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language. |
DefaultComesLast |
Check that the default is after all the
case s in a switch statement.
EmptyStatement |
Detects empty statements (standalone ";" semicolon).
EqualsAvoidNull | Checks that any combination of String literals is on the left side of an equals() comparison. |
EqualsHashCode |
Checks that classes that either override equals()
or hashCode() also overrides the other.
ExplicitInitialization |
Checks if any class or object member is explicitly initialized to default
for its type value (null for object references, zero for numeric
types and char and false for boolean .
FallThrough | Checks for fall-through in switch statements. |
FinalLocalVariable | Checks that local variables that never have their values changed are declared final. |
HiddenField | Checks that a local variable or a parameter does not shadow a field that is defined in the same class. |
IllegalCatch | Checks that certain exception types do not appear in a catch statement. |
IllegalInstantiation | Checks for illegal instantiations where a factory method is preferred. |
IllegalThrows | Checks that specified types are not declared to be thrown. |
IllegalToken | Checks for illegal tokens. |
IllegalTokenText | Checks specified tokens text for matching an illegal pattern. |
IllegalType | Checks that particular classes or interfaces are never used. |
InnerAssignment |
Checks for assignments in subexpressions, such as in
String s = Integer.toString(i = 2); .
MagicNumber | Checks that there are no "magic numbers" where a magic number is a numeric literal that is not defined as a constant. |
MatchXpath | Evaluates Xpath query and report violation on all matching AST nodes. |
MissingCtor | Checks that classes (except abstract ones) define a constructor and don't rely on the default one. |
MissingNullCaseInSwitch |
Checks that a given switch statement or expression that use a reference type
in its selector expression has a null case label.
MissingSwitchDefault |
Checks that switch statement has a default clause.
ModifiedControlVariable | Checks that for loop control variables are not modified inside the for block. |
MultipleStringLiterals | Checks for multiple occurrences of the same string literal within a single file. |
MultipleVariableDeclarations | Checks that each variable declaration is in its own statement and on its own line. |
NestedForDepth |
Restricts nested for blocks to a specified depth.
NestedIfDepth | Restricts nested if-else blocks to a specified depth. |
NestedTryDepth | Restricts nested try-catch-finally blocks to a specified depth. |
NoArrayTrailingComma | Checks that array initialization do not contain a trailing comma. |
NoClone | Checks that the clone method is not overridden from the Object class. |
NoEnumTrailingComma | Checks that enum definition does not contain a trailing comma. |
NoFinalizer |
Checks that there is no method finalize with zero parameters.
OneStatementPerLine | Checks that there is only one statement per line. |
OverloadMethodsDeclarationOrder | Checks that overloaded methods are grouped together. |
PackageDeclaration | Ensures that a class has a package declaration, and (optionally) whether the package name matches the directory name for the source file. |
ParameterAssignment | Disallows assignment of parameters. |
RequireThis | Checks that references to instance variables and methods of the present object are explicitly of the form "this.varName" or "this.methodName(args)" and that those references don't rely on the default behavior when "this." is absent. |
ReturnCount | Restricts the number of return statements in methods, constructors and lambda expressions. |
SimplifyBooleanExpression | Checks for over-complicated boolean expressions. |
SimplifyBooleanReturn | Checks for over-complicated boolean return or yield statements. |
StringLiteralEquality |
Checks that string literals are not used with
== or != .
SuperClone | Checks that an overriding clone() method invokes super.clone(). |
SuperFinalize | Checks that an overriding finalize() method invokes super.finalize(). |
UnnecessaryParentheses | Checks if unnecessary parentheses are used in a statement or expression. |
UnnecessarySemicolonAfterOuterTypeDeclaration | Checks if unnecessary semicolon is used after type declaration. |
UnnecessarySemicolonAfterTypeMemberDeclaration | Checks if unnecessary semicolon is used after type member declaration. |
UnnecessarySemicolonInEnumeration | Checks if unnecessary semicolon is in enum definitions. |
UnnecessarySemicolonInTryWithResources | Checks if unnecessary semicolon is used in last resource declaration. |
UnusedCatchParameterShouldBeUnnamed | Ensures that catch parameters that are not used are declared as an unnamed variable. |
UnusedLambdaParameterShouldBeUnnamed | Ensures that lambda parameters that are not used are declared as an unnamed variable. |
UnusedLocalVariable | Checks that a local variable is declared and/or assigned, but not used. |
VariableDeclarationUsageDistance | Checks the distance between declaration of variable and its first usage. |
WhenShouldBeUsed |
Ensures that when is used instead of a single
if statement inside a case block.