Filters Checks

SeverityMatchFilter Filter SeverityMatchFilter decides audit events according to the severity level of the event.
SuppressWarningsFilter Filter SuppressWarningsFilter uses annotation @SuppressWarnings to suppress audit events.
SuppressWithNearbyCommentFilter Filter SuppressWithNearbyCommentFilter uses nearby comments to suppress audit events.
SuppressWithNearbyTextFilter Filter SuppressWithNearbyTextFilter uses plain text to suppress nearby audit events. The filter can suppress all checks which have Checker as a parent module.
SuppressWithPlainTextCommentFilter Filter SuppressWithPlainTextCommentFilter uses plain text to suppress audit events.
SuppressionCommentFilter Filter SuppressionCommentFilter uses pairs of comments to suppress audit events.
SuppressionFilter Filter SuppressionFilter rejects audit events for Check violations according to a suppressions XML document in a file. If there is no configured suppressions file or the optional is set to true and suppressions file was not found the Filter accepts all audit events.
SuppressionSingleFilter Filter SuppressionSingleFilter suppresses audit events for Checks violations in the specified file, class, checks, message, module id, lines, and columns.
SuppressionXpathFilter Filter SuppressionXpathFilter works as SuppressionFilter. Additionally, filter processes suppress-xpath elements, which contains xpath-expressions. Xpath-expressions are queries for suppressed nodes inside the AST tree.
SuppressionXpathSingleFilter Filter SuppressionXpathSingleFilter suppresses audit events for Checks violations in the specified file, class, checks, message, module id, and xpath.