View Javadoc
1   /*xml
2   <module name="Checker">
3     <module name="TreeWalker">
4       <module name="AbbreviationAsWordInName">
5         <property name="allowedAbbreviationLength" value="1"/>
6         <property name="allowedAbbreviations" value="CSV"/>
7         <property name="ignoreStatic" value="true"/>
8         <property name="tokens" value="VARIABLE_DEF"/>
9       </module>
10    </module>
11  </module>
14  */
16  package;
18  // xdoc section -- start
19  class Example4 { // OK, ignore checking the class name
20    int firstNum; // OK, abbreviation "N" is of allowed length 1
21    int secondNUm;
22    int secondMYNum; // violation 'no more than '2' consecutive capital letters'
23    int thirdNUM; // violation 'no more than '2' consecutive capital letters'
24    static int fourthNUM; // OK, variables with static modifier would be ignored
25    String firstCSV; // OK, CSV abbreviation is allowed
26    String firstXML; // violation 'no more than '2' consecutive capital letters'
27    final int TOTAL = 5; // OK, final is ignored
28    static final int LIMIT = 10; // OK, static final is ignored
29  }
30  // xdoc section -- end