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1   /*
2   DescendantToken
3   limitedTokens = STRING_LITERAL
4   minimumDepth = (default)0
5   maximumDepth = 1
6   minimumNumber = (default)0
7   maximumNumber = 0
8   sumTokenCounts = (default)false
9   minimumMessage = (default)null
10  maximumMessage = Literal Strings should be compared using equals(), not ''==''.
11  tokens = EQUAL, NOT_EQUAL
14  */
16  package;
18  public class InputDescendantTokenStringLiteralEquality
19  {
20      void foo(String name)
21      {
22          if (name == "Lars") // violation 'Literal Strings .* be compared using equals(), not '==''
23          {
24              // flagged, should use equals
25          }
27          if ("Oleg" == name) // violation 'Literal Strings .* be compared using equals(), not '==''
28          {
29              // flagged, should use equals
30          }
32          if ("Oliver" == "Oliver") // violation 'Lit.* Strings .* compared using equals(), not '==''
33          {
34              // doesn't make much sense because this can be evaluated
35              // to true at compile-time, but is flagged anyway
36          }
38          String compare = "Rick";
39          if (name == compare)
40          {
41              // currently not flagged.
42              //
43              // Implementing this is very complicated, we would need
44              // - type info on the == operands
45              // - prevent false alarms where the user explicitly wants
46              //   to compare object identities
47              //
48              // My current feeling is that we should leave finding
49              // this one to manual code inspections. After all MCI is
50              // what some of us get paid for :-)
51          }
53          if ("Rick".toUpperCase(java.util.Locale.getDefault())
54                == "Rick".toLowerCase(java.util.Locale.getDefault()))
55          {
56              // completely dynamic, don't flag
57          }
58      }
59  }