View Javadoc
1   package;
3   import java.util.Collection;
4   import java.util.Map;
6   // we need these interfaces for generics
7   // violation below 'Top-level class Foo has to reside in its own source file.'
8   interface Foo {}
10  // violation below 'Top-level class Foo2 has to reside in its own source file.'
11  interface Foo2 {}
13  /** some javadoc. */
14  public class InputWhitespaceAroundGenerics {}
16  // No whitespace after commas
17  // violation below 'Top-level class BadCommas has to reside in its own source file.'
18  class BadCommas < A, B, C extends Map < A, String > > {
19    // 7 violations above:
20    //  ''\<' is followed by whitespace.'
21    //  ''\<' is preceded with whitespace.'
22    //  ''\<' is followed by whitespace.'
23    //  ''\<' is preceded with whitespace.'
24    //  ''\>' is followed by whitespace.'
25    //  ''\>' is preceded with whitespace.'
26    //  ''\>' is preceded with whitespace.'
27    private final java.util.Hashtable < Integer, Foo > test =
28        // 3 violations above:
29        //  ''\<' is followed by whitespace.'
30        //  ''\<' is preceded with whitespace.'
31        //  ''\>' is preceded with whitespace.'
32        new java.util.Hashtable < Integer, Foo >();
33        // 3 violations above:
34        //  ''\<' is followed by whitespace.'
35        //  ''\<' is preceded with whitespace.'
36        //  ''\>' is preceded with whitespace.'
37  }
39  // violation below 'Top-level class Wildcard has to reside in its own source file.'
40  class Wildcard {
41    public static void foo(Collection < ? extends Wildcard[] > collection) {
42      // 3 violations above:
43      //  ''\<' is followed by whitespace.'
44      //  ''\<' is preceded with whitespace.'
45      //  ''\>' is preceded with whitespace.'
46      // A statement is important in this method to flush out any
47      // issues with parsing the wildcard in the signature
48      collection.size();
49    }
51    public static void foo2(Collection<? extends Wildcard[]> collection) {
52      // A statement is important in this method to flush out any
53      // issues with parsing the wildcard in the signature
54      collection.size();
55    }
56  }