Class NewlineAtEndOfFileCheck

All Implemented Interfaces:
Configurable, Contextualizable, FileSetCheck

Checks whether files end with a line separator.

Rationale: Any source files and text files in general should end with a line separator to let other easily add new content at the end of file and "diff" command does not show previous lines as changed.

Example (the line with 'No newline at end of file' should not be in the diff):

 @@ -32,4 +32,5 @@ ForbidWildcardAsReturnTypeCheck.returnTypeClassNamesIgnoreRegex = Public Reference To Private Type = Static Method Candidate
 -StaticMethodCandidateCheck.desc = Checks whether private methods should be declared as static.
 \ No newline at end of file
 +StaticMethodCandidateCheck.desc = Checks whether private methods should be declared as static.
 +StaticMethodCandidateCheck.skippedMethods = Method names to skip during the check.

It can also trick the VCS to report the wrong owner for such lines. An engineer who has added nothing but a newline character becomes the last known author for the entire line. As a result, a mate can ask him a question to which he will not give the correct answer.

Old Rationale: CVS source control management systems will even print a warning when it encounters a file that doesn't end with a line separator.

Attention: property fileExtensions works with files that are passed by similar property for at Checker. Please make sure required file extensions are mentioned at Checker's fileExtensions property.

This will check against the platform-specific default line separator.

It is also possible to enforce the use of a specific line-separator across platforms, with the lineSeparator property.

  • Property fileExtensions - Specify the file extensions of the files to process. Type is java.lang.String[]. Default value is "".
  • Property lineSeparator - Specify the type of line separator. Type is Default value is lf_cr_crlf.

Parent is

Violation Message Keys:

  • noNewlineAtEOF
  • wrong.line.end