Class AbstractFileSetCheck

All Implemented Interfaces:
Configurable, Contextualizable, FileSetCheck
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractHeaderCheck, FileLengthCheck, FileTabCharacterCheck, JavadocPackageCheck, LineLengthCheck, NewlineAtEndOfFileCheck, OrderedPropertiesCheck, RegexpMultilineCheck, RegexpOnFilenameCheck, RegexpSinglelineCheck, TranslationCheck, TreeWalker, UniquePropertiesCheck

public abstract class AbstractFileSetCheck extends AbstractViolationReporter implements FileSetCheck
Provides common functionality for many FileSetChecks.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • processFiltered

      protected abstract void processFiltered(File file, FileText fileText) throws CheckstyleException
      Called to process a file that matches the specified file extensions.
      file - the file to be processed
      fileText - the contents of the file.
      CheckstyleException - if error condition within Checkstyle occurs.
    • init

      public void init()
      Description copied from interface: FileSetCheck
      Initialise the instance. This is the time to verify that everything required to perform its job.
      Specified by:
      init in interface FileSetCheck
    • destroy

      public void destroy()
      Description copied from interface: FileSetCheck
      Cleans up the object.
      Specified by:
      destroy in interface FileSetCheck
    • beginProcessing

      public void beginProcessing(String charset)
      Description copied from interface: FileSetCheck
      Called when about to be called to process a set of files.
      Specified by:
      beginProcessing in interface FileSetCheck
      charset - the character set used to read the files.
    • process

      public final SortedSet<Violation> process(File file, FileText fileText) throws CheckstyleException
      Description copied from interface: FileSetCheck
      Request to process a file. The implementation should use the supplied contents and not read the contents again. This reduces the amount of file I/O.

      The file set to process might contain files that are not interesting to the FileSetCheck. Such files should be ignored, no audit event should be fired for them. For example a FileSetCheck that checks java files should ignore HTML or properties files.

      The method should return the set of violations to be logged.

      Specified by:
      process in interface FileSetCheck
      file - the file to be processed
      fileText - the contents of the file.
      the sorted set of violations to be logged.
      CheckstyleException - if error condition within Checkstyle occurs
    • finishProcessing

      public void finishProcessing()
      Description copied from interface: FileSetCheck
      Called when all the files have been processed. This is the time to perform any checks that need to be done across a set of files. In this method, the implementation is responsible for the logging of violations.
      Specified by:
      finishProcessing in interface FileSetCheck
    • setMessageDispatcher

      public final void setMessageDispatcher(MessageDispatcher messageDispatcher)
      Description copied from interface: FileSetCheck
      Sets the MessageDispatcher that is used to dispatch audit events to AuditListeners during processing.
      Specified by:
      setMessageDispatcher in interface FileSetCheck
      messageDispatcher - the dispatcher
    • getMessageDispatcher

      A message dispatcher is used to fire violations to interested audit listeners.
      the current MessageDispatcher.
    • getViolations

      Returns the sorted set of Violation.
      the sorted set of Violation.
    • setFileContents

      public final void setFileContents(FileContents contents)
      Set the file contents associated with the tree.
      contents - the manager
    • getFileContents

      protected final FileContents getFileContents()
      Returns the file contents associated with the file.
      the file contents
    • getFileExtensions

      Makes copy of file extensions and returns them.
      file extensions that identify the files that pass the filter of this FileSetCheck.
    • setFileExtensions

      public final void setFileExtensions(String... extensions)
      Setter to specify the file extensions of the files to process.
      extensions - the set of file extensions. A missing initial '.' character of an extension is automatically added.
      IllegalArgumentException - is argument is null
    • getTabWidth

      protected final int getTabWidth()
      Get tab width to report audit events with.
      the tab width to report audit events with
    • setTabWidth

      public final void setTabWidth(int tabWidth)
      Set the tab width to report audit events with.
      tabWidth - an int value
    • addViolations

      protected void addViolations(SortedSet<Violation> violations)
      Adds the sorted set of Violation to the message collector.
      violations - the sorted set of Violation.
    • log

      public final void log(int line, String key, Object... args)
      Description copied from class: AbstractViolationReporter
      Log a message that has no column information.
      Specified by:
      log in class AbstractViolationReporter
      line - the line number where the audit event was found
      key - the message that describes the audit event
      args - the details of the message
      See Also:
    • log

      public final void log(int lineNo, int colNo, String key, Object... args)
      Description copied from class: AbstractViolationReporter
      Log a message that has column information.
      Specified by:
      log in class AbstractViolationReporter
      lineNo - the line number where the audit event was found
      colNo - the column number where the audit event was found
      key - the message that describes the audit event
      args - the details of the message
      See Also:
    • fireErrors

      protected final void fireErrors(String fileName)
      Notify all listeners about the errors in a file. Calls MessageDispatcher.fireErrors() with all logged errors and then clears errors' list.
      fileName - the audited file