Class FallThroughCheck

All Implemented Interfaces:
Configurable, Contextualizable

public class FallThroughCheck extends AbstractCheck
Checks for fall-through in switch statements. Finds locations where a case contains Java code but lacks a break, return, yield, throw or continue statement.

The check honors special comments to suppress the warning. By default, the texts "fallthru", "fall thru", "fall-thru", "fallthrough", "fall through", "fall-through" "fallsthrough", "falls through", "falls-through" (case-sensitive). The comment containing these words must be all on one line, and must be on the last non-empty line before the case triggering the warning or on the same line before the case(ugly, but possible). Any other comment may follow on the same line.

Note: The check assumes that there is no unreachable code in the case.

  • Property checkLastCaseGroup - Control whether the last case group must be checked. Type is boolean. Default value is false.
  • Property reliefPattern - Define the RegExp to match the relief comment that suppresses the warning about a fall through. Type is java.util.regex.Pattern. Default value is "falls?[ -]?thr(u|ough)".

Parent is

Violation Message Keys:

  • fall.through
  • fall.through.last
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getDefaultTokens

      public int[] getDefaultTokens()
      Description copied from class: AbstractCheck
      Returns the default token a check is interested in. Only used if the configuration for a check does not define the tokens.
      Specified by:
      getDefaultTokens in class AbstractCheck
      the default tokens
      See Also:
    • getRequiredTokens

      public int[] getRequiredTokens()
      Description copied from class: AbstractCheck
      The tokens that this check must be registered for.
      Specified by:
      getRequiredTokens in class AbstractCheck
      the token set this must be registered for.
      See Also:
    • getAcceptableTokens

      public int[] getAcceptableTokens()
      Description copied from class: AbstractCheck
      The configurable token set. Used to protect Checks against malicious users who specify an unacceptable token set in the configuration file. The default implementation returns the check's default tokens.
      Specified by:
      getAcceptableTokens in class AbstractCheck
      the token set this check is designed for.
      See Also:
    • isCommentNodesRequired

      public boolean isCommentNodesRequired()
      Description copied from class: AbstractCheck
      Whether comment nodes are required or not.
      isCommentNodesRequired in class AbstractCheck
      false as a default value.
    • setReliefPattern

      public void setReliefPattern(Pattern pattern)
      Setter to define the RegExp to match the relief comment that suppresses the warning about a fall through.
      pattern - The regular expression pattern.
    • setCheckLastCaseGroup

      public void setCheckLastCaseGroup(boolean value)
      Setter to control whether the last case group must be checked.
      value - new value of the property.
    • visitToken

      public void visitToken(DetailAST ast)
      Description copied from class: AbstractCheck
      Called to process a token.
      visitToken in class AbstractCheck
      ast - the token to process
    • isTerminated

      private boolean isTerminated(DetailAST ast, boolean useBreak, boolean useContinue, Set<String> labelsForCurrentSwitchScope)
      Checks if a given subtree terminated by return, throw or, if allowed break, continue. When analyzing fall-through cases in switch statements, a Set of String labels is used to keep track of the labels encountered in the enclosing switch statements.
      ast - root of given subtree
      useBreak - should we consider break as terminator
      useContinue - should we consider continue as terminator
      labelsForCurrentSwitchScope - the Set labels for the current scope of the switch
      true if the subtree is terminated.
    • hasLabel

      private static boolean hasLabel(DetailAST statement, Set<String> labelsForCurrentSwitchScope)
      Checks if given break or continue ast has outer label.
      statement - break or continue node
      labelsForCurrentSwitchScope - the Set labels for the current scope of the switch
      true if local label used
    • checkSlist

      private boolean checkSlist(DetailAST slistAst, boolean useBreak, boolean useContinue, Set<String> labels)
      Checks if a given SLIST terminated by return, throw or, if allowed break, continue.
      slistAst - SLIST to check
      useBreak - should we consider break as terminator
      useContinue - should we consider continue as terminator
      labels - label names
      true if SLIST is terminated.
    • checkIf

      private boolean checkIf(DetailAST ast, boolean useBreak, boolean useContinue, Set<String> labels)
      Checks if a given IF terminated by return, throw or, if allowed break, continue.
      ast - IF to check
      useBreak - should we consider break as terminator
      useContinue - should we consider continue as terminator
      labels - label names
      true if IF is terminated.
    • getNextNonCommentAst

      This method will skip the comment content while finding the next ast of current ast.
      ast - current ast
      next ast after skipping comment
    • checkLoop

      private boolean checkLoop(DetailAST ast, Set<String> labels)
      Checks if a given loop terminated by return, throw or, if allowed break, continue.
      ast - loop to check
      labels - label names
      true if loop is terminated.
    • checkTry

      private boolean checkTry(DetailAST ast, boolean useBreak, boolean useContinue, Set<String> labels)
      Checks if a given try/catch/finally block terminated by return, throw or, if allowed break, continue.
      ast - loop to check
      useBreak - should we consider break as terminator
      useContinue - should we consider continue as terminator
      labels - label names
      true if try/catch/finally block is terminated
    • checkSwitch

      private boolean checkSwitch(DetailAST literalSwitchAst, boolean useContinue, Set<String> labels)
      Checks if a given switch terminated by return, throw or, if allowed break, continue.
      literalSwitchAst - loop to check
      useContinue - should we consider continue as terminator
      labels - label names
      true if switch is terminated
    • checkSynchronized

      private boolean checkSynchronized(DetailAST synchronizedAst, boolean useBreak, boolean useContinue, Set<String> labels)
      Checks if a given synchronized block terminated by return, throw or, if allowed break, continue.
      synchronizedAst - synchronized block to check.
      useBreak - should we consider break as terminator
      useContinue - should we consider continue as terminator
      labels - label names
      true if synchronized block is terminated
    • hasFallThroughComment

      private boolean hasFallThroughComment(DetailAST currentCase)
      Determines if the fall through case between currentCase and nextCase is relieved by an appropriate comment.


       case 1:
       /* FALLTHRU */ case 2:
       switch(i) {
       /* FALLTHRU */}
       case 1:
       // FALLTHRU
       case 2:
       switch(i) {
       // FALLTHRU
      currentCase - AST of the case that falls through to the next case.
      True if a relief comment was found
    • hasReliefComment

      private boolean hasReliefComment(DetailAST ast)
      Check if there is any fall through comment.
      ast - ast to check
      true if relief comment found